Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Play In Wednesday

As I predicted Lyon won at home, although I thought Anderlecht would give them a game instead of folding 5-1. And Atletico Madrid got a 3-2 win at Pana, which I predicted as well. I was able to catch most of that game and it was pretty interesting. Atletico have some lapses in defense and it cost them twice, but in the attack they are extremely dangerous. Forlan and Aguero's goals showed what makes elite strikers elite. Although the home team made a valiant effort to fight back and got within a goal, this series is over. Not just having to win in Madrid against a superior team but having conceded 3 goals at home make it essentially impossible.

This is the first season the Champions League is being seen on Fox Soccer Channel (here in America) instead of ESPN. This is both good and bad. The good is a more comprehensive coverage package with pre and post games and a nightly highlight show. The commentators are very good as well. Although there were some good guys calling the games on ESPN the harmless but insufferable Tommy Smyth will not be missed by Pitch Itchy. The bad is the lower profile the tournament will have stateside on its new home. The core soccer fan will not think twice about this but for the casual fan or the curious potential fan (of which there are many after the eventful summer of soccer in America) the likelihood of stumbling on a Champions League game on FSC while flipping channels and being drawn in are significantly less than they were when it was on ESPN. Also, and this is pretty big for me, most bars and restaurants constantly have a TV locked on ESPN, making it easy to duck out of work and catch a game under the guise of a "late lunch" then return to work. Many of these places have super-duper TV packages and if you pester the bartender enough you are probably going to get to see the game, but it is not as accessible as ESPN.

Whatever, that is all minor detail stuff. The 2009-2010 season is here!

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